cms villaverde public healthcare center. madrid

the health-care center program is developed extensively in a single floor. the various program units are ordered by generating a sparse irregular orthogonal grid, where 13 yards staggered distributed between public and private placements through three (non)-parallel corridors. as opposed to this light system, atomized by the courtyards, the rotunda and impenetrable facade is conceived as a mass of glass modulated continuous and blind. compared to their twin buildings, the cms villaverde resolve the contrast between two opposite situations in a more smooth one, which is expressed by the use of a tectonic constructive system: metal frames with glass and polycarbonate enclosures with varying degrees of opacity and transparency . the building from outside is destined to camouflage where the white glass reflects the surrounding space without allowing an interior-exterior visual relationship yet remains almost disappearing. from inside the contact with the outside through the vertical closure is eased from the world of shadow, shadows cast on the translucent walls of what happens on the other hand, pedestrians, trees, etc. the transparent qualities of glass and mirror visions multiply reflected symmetry, likewise the qualities of reflection and diffuse lighting of translucent polycarbonate vertical panels help create a spacious and luminous interior environment with a certain sense atmospheric .



location: felicidad avenue 17 afecto street and  generosidad street 28041 madrid

client: madrid salud

date: competition 2007, project 2007, construction finish 2010

built area: 1989.22 sqm

costs: 1.968.175,31 euros

design team: estudio__entresitio; maria hutado de mendoza, cesar jimenez de tejada, jose maria hurtado de mendoza, alvar ruiz, miguel crespo, marco plazogna. maría josé camporro

consultans: geasyt (mep), juan carlos corona ruiz y david gil. (technical egineers)

main contractor: grupo ortiz

photo credits: roland halbe


  • health care architecture award archdaily "building of the year" 2012
  • finalist. health care category ait awards 2012
  • first prize. best non-residential building premios asprima-sima 2012
  • first prize international biennal "barbara cappochin" 2011
  • first prize concurso público


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